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I discovered a tool I found that detects an SSD drives by drive letter does not work on AHCI Enhanced Host Controller Interface’s so I am back to the drawing board 🙁 I did find that wmic is capable but I do not know how to format the search to be for a specific drive letter ? I have tried some of the following but to no avail.

wmic idecontroller|find /i “ahci”>nul && echo AHCI detected

wmic DISKDRIVE|find /i “SSD”>nul && echo SSD detected

wmic DISKDRIVE list|find /i “SSD”>nul && echo SSD detected

wmic logicaldisk get caption=C:|find /i “C:”>nul find /i “SSD”>nul && echo SSD detected

My problem is that their are 2 captions in 2 separate types logicaldisk and diskdrive !!!

So I want to search logicaldisk for C: drive and find if under DISKDRIVE it equals an SSD

I have managed to find both things under seperate searches but not combined and for just C: or D: etc as want to do the searches independently.

Michelle xoxoxo


1 Answer

  1. you might try: wmic volume list
    and use that as the basis for further refinements. It seems to give the association you want, of drive-letter with drive filesystem architecture. It worked ok with a simple test I ran:
    wmic volume list | find /I “ntfs” | find /I “C:”

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