Hello i i would like a batch file to delete the first column and first row of multiple csv files saved in a folder leaving the file format unchanged. Thanks Bobby
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Can onyone please help me to zip the files using VB script ? My requirement is like: There will be two files in the folder C:\Users\MEDICARE\ File1 = MEDICARE_%CCYY%%MM%%DD%_CHANGE.txt FIle2 = MEDICARE_%CCYY%%MM%%DD%_FULL.txt CCYY = Current year like 2013 MM = Current month like ...
is there some way, sort of like a pause command, that would continue the program after a certain amount of time? for example: SET /P A = “What is the password?” [the timeout would be part of the ‘SET /P’] IF ...
eg. my filename is 20120412.CSV i want to append code like 416 with existing file name like 416_20120412.CSV. i want to do with xcopy command. xcopy c:\*.csv to \\servername\folder\416_*.csv
I have been using a scripting solution that was provided to me by nbrane and it’s perfect for what I need. I use it ALL the time because it is awesome!! It looks like this: ———————-Begin Script———————- @Echo Off for /f %%a ...
Hi, I have created a batch file which uses the following format: :: ————————————- menu —————————————— :mainmenu CLS ECHO Main Menu ECHO ——— ECHO [1] Install Office 2010 ECHO. :ch-main SET /P mm=Please Select: ECHO. IF /I %mm%==1 GOTO inst-off GOTO ch-main :inst-off :: “%tools%\office ...
I’m trying to write a batch file that will send keystrokes to notetab pro. What keys I need sent are to: Ctrl+Shift T > Copy all > Exit Can someone help me with what commands you would need in the batch ...
Hi, I’m trying to create a batch file that will stop the xcopy and delete batch process and return a “Drive Full” statement, if there is not enough space on my destination drive. This is what I have so far: _______________________ @echo ...
I am trying to set a parameter using tab delimited text files. I have never done this so as far as troubleshooting it, I am stuck. The code I came up with doesn’t return anyting, and I can’t find any ...
hi i found some program that turn caps lock off or on if we need and found some .com program and scripts for this job my question= is there a way to turn caps lock off without using any external ...