I have been using a scripting solution that was provided to me by nbrane and it’s perfect for what I need. I use it ALL the time because it is awesome!!
It looks like this:
———————-Begin Script———————-
@Echo Off
for /f %%a in (\\Server1\apps$\Scripts\CompList\Computers-ON.txt) do (
echo processing to computer %%a
(Commands for each computer go here)
———————-End Script———————-
However, now I have another twist. I need to add some decision logic to the script. I’ve found some code that will determine the version of the O/S, and now I need a: GoTo WinXP or GoTo Win7 However, when I add the label :WinXP or :Win7 ,the script will not run—Error: “The syntax of the command is incorrect.”
This is the script that will NOT execute:
———————-Begin Script———————-
@Echo Off
for /f %%a in (\\Server1\apps$\Scripts\CompList\Computers-ON.txt) do (
echo processing to computer %%a
for /f “tokens=2*” %%i IN (‘reg query “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion” /v ProductName ^| Find “ProductName”‘) DO set OSver=%%i %%j
echo %OSver% | find “Windows XP” > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GoTo Win_XP
echo %OSver% | find “Windows 7″ > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GoTo Win_7
xcopy /O /Y \\Server1\apps$\Application\Shortcut\*.* \\%%a\c$”\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\*.*”
GoTo NextComp
xcopy /O /Y \\Server1\apps$\Application\Shortcut\*.* \\%%a\c$\Users\Public\Desktop\*.*
GoTo NextComp
———————-End Script———————-
If I remove all of the labels (:WinXP, :Win7, :NextComp) the script will run—of course I get other errors, but that’s to be expected, since I don’t have the labels in there.
Does anyone have any ideas or is more info needed?
Thanks in advance!!! Any help is much appreciated.
echo %CurCompOS% | find “Windows XP” > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GoTo Win_XP
echo %CurCompOS% | find “Windows 7” > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GoTo Win_7
goto :%CurCompOS%
Life is too important to be taken seriously.