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Spawn Command Not Working In Unix.

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I am connecting to an external client using sftp.

i gave the following command

#!/usr/bin/expect -f

spawn sftp username@hostname

expect “password: ”
send “xxxxx”

expect sftp>

but the command was not working.

The Error is :

spawn: command not found
couldn’t read file “password:”: no such file or directory
send: command not found
couldn’t read file “sftp>”: no such file or directory
send: command not found
couldn’t read file “sftp>”: no such file or directory
send: command not found

Kindly help asap, with some other options.


1 Answer

  1. I am taking what you posted literally: “I gave the following command”. What you then detail is suitable for use as a script file, not to be typed in interactively. If you just typed the above lines at a command prompt you would get exactly the errors you detail. (Although I’m a little puzzled – if you were doing this interactively why use “expect”? Why not just type in the commands?)

    Perhaps you could clarify. Did you type those commands interactively or did you create a script file?

    Edit: Actually, thinking further, that wouldn’t work even as a script. “expect -f” should be followed by the name of a file containg the commands you want to run. Perhaps you need to read up more about “expect”.

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