Below script is used to copy lines from a text file to other
May i know how can I use the below script to copy the text at the beginning of the output file. Currently it is appending at the end of the file
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
SET /P maxlines=Enter number of lines to be moved to new txt document:
SET /A linecount=0
FOR /F “delims=” %%A IN (textfile1.txt) DO (
IF !linecount! GEQ %maxlines% GOTO ExitLoop
ECHO %%A >> C:\users\username\desktop\textfile2.txt
SET /A linecount+=1
ECHO All Done.
ECHO Press any key to close this window.
type tmp
echo done.
this line:
rem move tmp %dest%
should, or is supposed to, do the trick, by removing the ‘rem’ so it looks like:
move /y tmp %dest%
this will overwrite your destination file, so I left it de-activated pending feedback of fail or success. Be sure, until you are sure, to back up your destination files just in case something does go wrong.
ps: the “/y” was added to keep the system from asking “are you sure?” every time.
message edited by nbrane