This article will help you configuring windows xp to show a pop-up reminder at the time given…
To do so you just need a basic computer knowledge .
Copy the contents below in notepad and save as anything .bat on the desktop.
echo @ECHO OFF
echo Title **************Pop-up Reminder by Subhash Chandra************************
echo Color f
echo echo.&echo.&echo.
echo setlocal
echo set /p tm= Enter the time to set the Reminder :
echo set /p ds= Input the description for this Reminder :
echo ECHO reminder successfully Set at %tm% to %%DS%%
echo at %%tm%% /interactive “cmd.exe” /k showalarm “%%DS%%”
echo set /p ent=Press Enter to Exit………
echo exit
echo @echo off
echo Title **************Pop-up Reminder by Subhash Chandra************************
echo Color f
echo echo.
echo echo.
echo echo.
echo echo.
echo echo.
echo echo %%1
echo echo.
echo echo.
echo set /p ent= Press Enter to exit ……..
echo exit
After saving the document , run it. (Run anything.bat)
Now Simply go to Start => Run and type alarm
Press enter and there you go.
Let me know of there any issues………
Note :-
1) Any modification in contents of notepad will not work
2) you must have to save the files in above file mentioned file name. modification in file name of saving at different directory will not work.