By default Windows 2003 server systems comes with shutdown event tracker enabled. This provides a way for us to consistently track why users restart or shutdown the computers. This information is very much useful for the IT administrators to track the reasons for shutdown the important systems. But it is annoying if we use that system as development platform like i am using. I use windows 2003 system as my development environment because sharepoint services supports in windows 2003. My primary work is with sharepoint services.
Usually everyday i shutdown the system while going home from work and sometimes i may restart in work hours also, I feel so annoying to see the shutdown event tracker screen to enter the reasons for shutdown, so i decided to disable that feature in my system. Here is the way to do that.
Step 1. Open Group Policy, then load the group policy you want to apply the change to. If your computer is not a part of domain you can set this feature locally by running GPEDIT.MSC from the Run command.
For example, if you want the setting to affect the entire domain, edit the Default Domain GPO, or another GPO on the domain level.
Step 2. Expand Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System.
Step 3. Double-click Display Shutdown Event Tracker.
Step 4. Select Disabled.
Step 5. Click OK to close all dialog boxes.
If you want the change to take place right now, refresh the GPO by running the “gpupdate /force” command in a Command Prompt window or from the Run command