Have you ever wanted to run windows with just a console, but couldnt because it would be a pain to find files, folders, etc?
Well now you can with explorer.bat
-use w/s to move up & down
-open files with your specific program
-run any command as if it is not a .bat file
-open the directory that you have selected with the pointer
-one click goto upper directory
-copy a file & paste it (allows for switching directories before pasting)
-only allows up to 74 items on screen(can be changed by setting maxdisplayeditems to something else than 74)
-updates in the future
best looking setup:
run explorer.bat with cmd.exe (cmder.exe looks better but you’ll have to download it)
rightclick your taskbar & enable auto hidetaskbar
then taskkill explorer.exe: windowskey + R & run this command:
cmd /c taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
you can resize your explorer.bat window with windowskey + left or up
(PM me if you find any buggs)
copy paste everything below this line & save it as explorer.bat
::—-start of explorer.bat—-
@echo off&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
::version 24-jan-2018
::updates will be posted to https://pastebin.com/yWuMdiep
set maxdisplayeditems=74
set firstnumber=1
set cnt=0
set cnt1=0
for /f “tokens=*” %%a in (‘dir/B/OGN’) do set/a cnt+=1
for /f “tokens=*” %%a in (‘dir/B/OGN’) do (
set/a cnt1+=1
set “str!cnt1!=%%a”
if ‘!cnt!’==’!cnt1!’ goto fill
set cnt2=1
for /l %%a in (1,1,!cnt!) do (
set/a cnt2+=1
set arr%%a=ÿ
set cnt3=1
set “arr!cnt3!=þ”
echo Use w(up), s(down) to move the arrow
echo Use e to open file with a specific program
echo Use r to rename a file/directory
echo Use p to run a command
echo Use o to open the selected directory
echo Use b to go back a directory
echo Use c to copy a file/directory
echo Use v to paste a file/directory
if !cnt3! LSS !firstnumber! if !cnt3! GEQ 1 set/a maxdisplayeditems-=1&set/a firstnumber-=1
if !cnt3! LSS 1 (
set “arr!cnt3!=ÿ”
set/a cnt3+=1
set “arr!cnt3!=þ”
if !cnt3! GTR !maxdisplayeditems! if !cnt3! LEQ !cnt! set/a maxdisplayeditems+=1&set/a firstnumber+=1
if !cnt3! GTR !cnt! (
set “arr!cnt3!=ÿ”
set/a cnt3-=1
set “arr!cnt3!=þ”
if !cnt! GEQ 74 (set pagelenght=!maxdisplayeditems!) else set pagelenght=!cnt!
for /l %%a in (!firstnumber!,1,!pagelenght!) do (
echo !arr%%a! !str%%a!
choice /c wserpobcv /n>nul
if !errorlevel! EQU 1 (
set “arr!cnt3!=ÿ”
set/a cnt3-=1
set “arr!cnt3!=þ”
goto screen
if !errorlevel! EQU 2 (
set “arr!cnt3!=ÿ”
set/a cnt3+=1
set “arr!cnt3!=þ”
goto screen
if !errorlevel! EQU 3 (
cls&set /p “program=open “!str%cnt3%!” with program:”
if “!program!”==”” cls&echo an error has occured&pause>nul&goto opendir
set “check=!str%cnt3%!”
if ‘!check!’==’%check:.=%’ (
for /f %%a in (‘dir/A-D/B ^| findstr “!check!”‘) do (
set “check=%%a”
if exist “!check!” (
start %program% “!check!”
) else (
echo ERROR: File not found&pause>nul
goto screen
if !errorlevel! EQU 4 (
echo rename !str%cnt3%! to what?
set/p newname=
ren “!str%cnt3%!” “!newname!”
if !errorlevel! EQU 5 (
set/p command=type your command:
if !errorlevel! EQU 6 (
pushd “!str%cnt3%!”
for /l %%a in (%cnt%,-1,1) do (
set “str%%a=”
if !errorlevel! EQU 7 (
pushd ..
for /l %%a in (%cnt%,-1,1) do (
set “str%%a=”
if !errorlevel! EQU 8 (
set “filetocopy=%CD%\!str%cnt3%!”
set “filename=!str%cnt3%!”
goto screen
if !errorlevel! EQU 9 (
if not exist “%CD%\%filename%” (
copy “%filetocopy%” “%CD%”
) else (
if not exist “%CD%\%filename% – Copy” (
set “olddir=%CD%”
copy “%filetocopy%” “%temp%”
pushd “%temp%”
for /f “tokens=1,2 delims=.” %%a in (‘dir/b ^| findstr “%filename%”‘) do (
ren “%filename%” “%%a – Copy.%%b”
move “%%a – Copy.%%b” “!olddir!”
goto opendir
goto opendir
::—-end of explorer.bat—-