Delineate your column information with tabs in your text file (eg. “MyDoc.txt”).
Step 1. Open your text file in Notepad (double-click the text file in File Manager).
Step 2. Select Edit -> Replace… from the menu.
Step 3. Type two spaces in the “Find what:” field and one space in the “Replace with:” field.
Step 4. Then click on “Replace All” repeatedly until no more replacements are made.
Step 5. Now type only one space in the “Find what:” field and only a tab in the “Replace with:” field.
Step 6. Click on the “Find Next” button.
Step 7. Then click on “Replace” or “Replace All” as appropriate until tabs have been inserted everywhere you want to begin a new column (in each row).
Step 8. Then select File -> Save, then File -> Exit (to exit Notepad).
Create Excel worksheet using a DOS Batch File.
Step 1. Create the batch file (eg. “TextToExcel.bat”).
Step 1a. Create a document in Notepad with the following contents:
@echo off
copy %1 %1.xls > nul
excel %1.xls
Step 1b. Then select File -> Save As…, change the filename extension from “.txt” to “.bat”, then click on the Save button.
Step 1c. Then File -> Exit (to exit Notepad).
Step 2. Run your batch file to create the Excel worksheet.
Step 2a. Click on Start -> Run…, or alternatively Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt.
Step 2b. Type “[d1:][path1]TextToExcel [d2:][path2]MyDoc.txt” and hit Enter.
NOTE: Substitute the appropriate (optional) drives and paths as applicable.
NOTE: If you copy your batch file to a directory that is in the path statement, “d1:” and “path1” will not be needed.