This batch script can get file version of any application (*.exe ;*.dll) inside a directory (in my example i set “RootFolder=%ProgramData%”); so you can change it as you want like (set “RootFolder=%AppData%”) and so on …
Just Change this Variable in your case and the script will do the rest.
For any update just check this link :
@echo off
Mode 75,3 & color 9E
Title Get File Version of any Application from file list using WMIC by Hackoo
REM Just Change this Variable in your case and the script will do the rest (-_°)
Set "RootFolder=%ProgramData%"
@for %%a in ("%RootFolder%") do set "FolderName=%%~na"
Set "File_Version_List=%~dp0%FolderName%_File_Version_List.txt"
Set "ErrorFile=%~dp0%FolderName%_Error.txt
Set Extensions="*.exe" "*.dll"
If exist "%ErrorFile%" Del "%ErrorFile%"
If exist "%File_Version_List%" Del "%File_Version_List%"
echo Please wait a while ... Process to get file version ...
set "BuildLineWith=call :BuildLine "
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
CD /D "%RootFolder%"
@for /f "delims=" %%F in ('Dir /b /s %Extensions%') do (
set "Version="
Call :Get_AppName "%%F" AppName
Call :Add_backSlash "%%F"
Call :GetVersion !Application! Version
Call :Remove_backSlash !Application!
If defined Version (
echo !Application!
echo !AppName! ==^> !Version!
)>> "%File_Version_List%"
) else (
echo Version is not defined in !Application!
)>> "%ErrorFile%"
If Exist "%ErrorFile%" Start "" "%ErrorFile%"
If Exist "%File_Version_List%" Start "" /MAX "%File_Version_List%" & Exit
Rem The argument %~1 represent the full path of the application
Rem without the double quotes
Rem The argument %2 represent the variable to be set (in our case %2=Version)
FOR /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%I IN (
'wmic datafile where "name='%~1'" get version /format:Textvaluelist 2^>^nul'
) DO FOR /F "delims=" %%A IN ("%%I") DO SET "%2=%%A"
Exit /b
Rem Subroutine to replace the simple "\" by a double "\\" into a String
Set "Application=%1"
Set "String=\"
Set "NewString=\\"
Call Set "Application=%%Application:%String%=%NewString%%%"
Exit /b
Rem Subroutine to replace the double "\\" by a simple "\" into a String
Set "Application=%1"
Set "String=\\"
Set "NewString=\"
Call Set "Application=%%Application:%String%=%NewString%%%"
Exit /b
Rem %1 = FullPath
Rem %2 = AppName
for %%i in (%1) do set "%2=%%~nxi"
exit /b
REM Thanks to ImDeepWithWindows for this nice trick of BuildLine
set "LineChar=%1"
if "%LineChar%"=="" set "LineChar=_"
for /f "tokens=2 skip=4" %%A in ('mode con: /status') do set "WindowColumns=%%A" & goto :GotColumnCount
set "CharLine="
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /L %%A in (1,1,%WindowColumns%) do set "CharLine=!CharLine!!LineChar:~0,1!"
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
echo %CharLine%
goto :eof