I created this batch file for a little mom and pops shop in the local area and I thought here would be a great place to post it. This is a simple little Time Clock batch file. It is comprised in two parts; one for recording the time, another for admin purposes. Feel free to play around with it, improve it, leave feedback, and hopefully we can all learn something new.
@echo off
color 0F
mode con cols=45 lines=3
Title Time Clock
Set mm=%DATE:~4,2%
Set dd=%DATE:~7,2%
Set yy=%DATE:~10,4%
echo %mm%-%dd%-%yy% %time%
set /p name=Enter Your Name:
if %name%==admin goto admin
set /p input=Enter Employee Number:
findstr %input% Employees.txt > temp1.txt
findstr %name% Employees.txt > temp2.txt
goto next
set /p comp=<temp1.txt
if %input%==%comp% goto then
goto error
set /p com=<temp2.txt
if %name%==%com% goto menu
goto error
del temp1.txt
echo 1. Clock In?
echo 2. Clock out?
set /p c=
if "%c%"=="1" goto in
if "%c%"=="2" goto out
echo %name%,%input%,IN,%time%,%date% >> "%userprofile%\Desktop\%mm%-%dd%-%yy%.csv"
goto end
echo %name%,%input%,OUT,%time%,%date% >> "%userprofile%\Desktop\%mm%-%dd%-%yy%.csv"
goto end
call admin.bat
echo Your input does not match our records please try again
goto name
<temp1.txt< div="">
<temp2.txt< div="">
@echo off
color 0F
mode con cols=45 lines=3
if exist pass.txt (goto login) else (goto create)
set /p pass=Enter Password:
findstr %pass% pass.txt > temp.txt
set /p comp=<temp.txt
goto next
if %pass%==%comp% goto panel
goto login
set /p pass=Create Password:
echo %pass% >> pass.txt
attrib +h pass.txt
goto panel
mode con cols=45 lines=10
del temp.txt
echo 1. Set Up Employee
echo 2. Remove Employees
echo 3. View Employees
echo 4. Add Password
echo 5. Delete Passwords
echo 6. View Current Times
echo 7. Quit
set /p C=
if "%C%"=="1" goto employee
if "%C%"=="2" goto remove
if "%C%"=="3" goto viewcheck
if "%C%"=="4" goto newpass
if "%C%"=="5" goto delpass
if "%C%"=="6" goto timecheck
if "%C%"=="7" goto quit
set /p emp=Enter Employee Name:
set /p num=Enter Employee Number:
findstr %num% Employees.txt >> temp.txt
set /p comp=<temp.txt
del temp.txt
if %num%==%comp% goto errors
goto employees
echo %emp% >> Employees.txt
echo %num% >> Employees.txt
echo. >> Employees.txt
attrib +h Employees.txt
echo Add another employee?
echo 1. Yes
echo 2. No
set /p add=
if "%add%"=="1" goto employee
if "%add%"=="2" goto panel
type Employees.txt
goto panel
set /p pass=Create Password:
echo %pass% >> pass.txt
goto panel
type time.txt
goto panel
del pass.txt
goto create
if exist time.txt (goto time) else (goto error)
if exist Employees.txt (goto view) else (goto error)
echo I am sorry it does not seem like that file exist yet.
goto panel
echo I am sorry that employee number is already in use. Please try another.
goto employee
mode con cols=45 lines=5
set /p z=Enter Employee Name:
attrib -h -a Employees.txt
findstr /v %z% Employees.txt >> temp.txt
del Employees.txt
findstr .* temp.txt >> Employees.txt
del temp.txt
attrib +h +a Employees.txt
echo Remove Another Employee?
echo 1. Yes
echo 2. No
set /p a=
if "%a%"=="1" goto remove
if "%a%"=="2" goto panel