Well, no, it’s well documented that batch scripting cannot handle floating point maths. However, by incorporating a few lines of VB scripting floating point math may be successful.
This hybrid batch/VB script shows how some calculations can easily be made. The amounts used are for demonstration purposes only and it is not recommended that the script be used for sensitive currency calculations. The script has been briefly tested in Win XP.
@echo off
echo wscript.echo eval(wscript.arguments(0))>%temp%\eval1.vbs
set total=1182078.11
set figtwo=4.70
set figtre=17.5
:: Calculate 4.70% of 1182078.11 & store the result in environment variable Grint
set c=%total%*(%figtwo%/100)
call :calc
set grint=%result%
:: Deduct 17.5% of Grint
set c=%grint%-(%grint%*(%figtre%/100))
call :calc
set net=%result%
:: Add Net to the value in Total giving Newtot
set c=%total%+%net%
call :calc
set newtot=%result%
echo Start bill = %total:~-10%
echo Gross markup = %grint:~-10%
echo Nett markup = %net:~-10%
echo New bill = %newtot:~-10% (Start bill + Nett markup)
del %temp%\eval1.vbs
exit /b
for /f %%A in ('cscript //nologo %temp%\eval1.vbs "round(%c%,2)"') do (
set result= %%A