Hi, I have a table of data which I would like to filter based on a manual cell input instead of the autofilter option. The table is 10 columns wide, with a series of numbers in column F. I would like to ...
Computing.net: Question & Answers Forum Latest Questions
Hello all, I’m desperately hoping someone can help me with this. I’m wrestling with a formula to count cells over multiple sheets with multiple criteria. For example, I have a workbook with one tab for each date in our sales period ...
My Corel Draw X5 bombed this morning. I uninstalled it and tried again. I now get the msg: 1. Failed to Install KERNEL Files. Make sure you have the appropriate privileges on this machine. I have tried: right-click on the ...
How can I add Data tab and Developer tab to my toolbar in Excel starter 2010? I have word and excel starter 2010 loaded on my computer. I need the developer tab and Data tab to be on my toolbar. ...
Can the email files on Windows XP with Outlook Express be imported to Windows 7.1 with Outlook 2016? I have copied the Outlook Express files to a flash drive. The files have a *.dbx extention. Thank you for any help, it ...
I must open historic files with suffix .wk1 but no longer have lotus smartsuite on my computer. Is freeware the answer? if so, which source? I have Windows Home Basic on the machine.
My outlook contacts were saved into a word file with .docx, how do I convert this back into a .pst file so I can use with a new computer running outlook?
I’m trying to construct some formulas in Excel 2007 to sort some data and I’m just having trouble implementing a suitable sorting algorithm that gives me the result I want. My data looks a bit like this: 1.0 K 3.0 K
error message is “word cannot print due to the current printer setup” I can print in everthing else like adobe, internet , test pages I have reinstalled Office 2010, printers, the computer in question is a Lenovo Tablet x220i and ...
Hi guys, me again. Was wondering if it was possible to count by the colour of a sheet tab? I categorise files depending on their status by colour – red for incomplete, orange for in progress and green for done. ...