Do you want to block porn web sites on your computer to keep a clean internet surfing?
Do you want to filter porn content from the internet to Protect your children?
There are many ways to filter porn web sites.
Incomplete porn filtering methods:
1. Modify the windows hosts file
Step 1. Locate your HOSTS file. The hosts file is located in different places depending on your Windows version.
For XP/VISTA it is located in the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC directory.
For 2000 it is located in the C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC or C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC folder, depending on the nature of your Windows install
Step 2. To view the contents of this file, browse to the location of the file and double click on it. You will be asked whether you want to search the internet for a program to open the file or if you wish to choose from a list. Choose the list option and open the file with Notepad. You can now view all of the websites that are being blocked.
Step 3. To manually block a site, go to the bottom of the file and on a new line type “” without using quotes. This will block Repeat the process for any other sites you wish to block, and then save the file by going to File>Save.
2. Use OpenDNS
If you want to filter what can and can NOT be seen on the Internet, you can use OpenDNS. Schools and government office use it… and its free.
Warning: With above two porn filtering methods, you can still visit websites you blocked with a web proxy. To completely block websites, you may need a professional Porn Filter.
Completely Porn filtering method:
3. Use a professional Porn filter
The best method is to use Porn Filter, for example, Aobo Porn Fiter to block unwanted websites and filter porn websites on your computer.
Porn Filter works with all popular web browsers. It can:
Filter porn web sites automatically
Running in stealth and undetectable mode
Blocks all porn web sites before they loaded to web browsers
Password protected, so that no one can bypass the blocker
To get a website unblocked by Aobo Porn Filter. You can easily add it to the Porn Filter White List.
Mac OS X Porn filtering method:
There are also Porn filtering for Mac OS X you can use parental control software from
Or OpenDNS from
Final Review:
If you only want to block one or two websites, and there is no need to worry about someone bypassing the blocker with a web proxy. You can just modify the hosts file of your Windows.
If you want to block most of porn web sites, and there is no need to worry about someone bypassing the blocker with a web proxy. You can use opendns from OpenDNS
If you need to filter all porn web sites, and worry about someone may modify your settings or bypass the blocker with a web proxy. Then you need a professional Porn filter